Online Presentations

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14:00-14:10 Welcome address

Session I - Observatories and Instrumentation I - Chair: Lyman Page

14:10-14:35 The irresistible rise of infrared space astronomy - Catherine Cesarsky
14:35-15:00 Jean-Loup Puget and Planck - Jan Tauber - pptx version with animations
15:00-15:15 The QUIJOTE MFI wide survey: A northern sky survey in intensity and polarization at 10-20GHz - Jose Rubino Martin
15:15-15:30 The NIKA2 camera: a high resolution view of the universe at continuum millimetre wavelengths - Juan Macias Perez & Xavier Désert

16:10-16:35 Ground-based CMB experiments - Suzanne Staggs
16:35-17:00 Cryogenics for astrophysics instrumentation - Alain Benoit
17:00-17:25 Cosmic Microwave Background with stratospheric balooons - Paolo de Bernardis
17:25-17:40 QUBIC: the Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology - Michel Piat
17:40-17:55 Observations of the early Universe at millimeter wavelengths: the Grenoble GIS contribution - Andrea Catalano


Session II - Interstellar medium and dust I - Chair: Chas Beichman

09:00-09:25 The multi-scale and multi-phase diffuse interstellar medium - Marc Antoine Miville Deschênes
09:25-09:50 Interstellar magnetic fields - Susan Clark
09:50-10:05 Multi-phase MHD turbulence: a corner stone in astrophysics - Patrick Hennebelle - pptx version with animations
10:05-10:20 3D Galactic Magnetic Field Reconstruction Using Local Measurements - Alexandros Tsouros
10:20-10:35 Magnetic fields and the dynamics of molecular clouds: from Puget 1991 to Planck and beyond - Juan Soler

11:10-11:35 Interstellar PAHs: one of the best experiences of my career - Alain Léger
11:35-12:00 The PAH model: where are we? - Christine Joblin
12:00-12:15 Understanding the star formation efficiency in dense gas with resolved submillimeter observations - Philippe André
12:15-12:30 First observations of photon-dominated regions by the JWST - Emilie Habart

Session III - Cosmology I - Chair: François-Xavier Désert

14:00-14:25 Tensions with the Planck Cosmology - George Efstathiou
14:25-14:50 Cosmology with the CMB: from Planck to SPT-3G - Silvia Galli
14:50-15:05 Old data new probes: revisiting FIRAS results in 2020s - Giulio Fabbian
15:05-15:20 Learning about Cosmology and Foregrounds in New Ways with Planck - Steven Gratton

16:00-16:25 X-Ray and microwave cosmology: synergy and competition. What do we expect from the next generation X-ray and microwave telescopes? - Rashid Sunyaev
16:25-16:50 The SPIDER and SuperBIT balloon experiments - William Jones
16:50-17:05 Prompt cusps in the dark matter distribution and their effect on the dark matter annihilation signal - Simon White - pptx version with animations
17:05-17:20 Retrieving cosmological information from diffuse hot gas in the universe - Marion Douspis
17:20-17:35 Galaxy clusters in the mm wavelengths: combine Planck and SPT - Laura Salvati


Session V - Cosmology II - Chair: Ken Ganga

09:00-09:25 CIB and Cosmology - Douglas Scott
09:25-09:50 Non-Gaussianity in the cosmic microwave background - Bartjan van Tent
09:50-11:05 Round Table - Cosmology: what is the dark sector of the Lambda-CDM model made of ?
Céline Boehm, Christophe Ringeval & Jean Philippe Uzan - Chair: Nabila Aghanim

11:40-12:05 The formation and evolution of star-forming galaxies - Reinhard Genzel
12:05-12:30 Dust at high redshift - Joaquin Vieira

18:30 PUBLIC LECTURE - Les quasars : des trous noirs vraiment troublants - Françoise Combes


Session VI - Dust and Cosmology - Chair: Jonathan Aumont

09:00-09:25 From cosmic infrared background anisotropies to line intensity mapping - Matthieu Bethermin & Guilaine Lagache
09:25-09:40 CIB and dust polarization at small angular scales with ACT and WISE - Rodrigo Cordova
09:40-09:55 Scattering transforms in Astrophysics - Erwan Allys
09:55-10:10 A morphological characterization of the diffuse to dense ISM - Pablo Richard
10:10-10:25 From cosmology to seabass protection - Jean-Marc Delouis
10:25-10:40 Frequency dependence of the thermal dust E/B ratio and EB correlation: insights from the spin-moment expansion - Leo Vacher

11:15-12:30 Round Table - Challenges of future projects from far-IR to radio frequencies
François Bouchet, Chiara Ferrari & Martin Giard - Chair: George Helou

Session VII - Interstellar medium and dust II - Chair: Matt Griffin

14:00-14:25 THEMIS: A holistic view of dust and its evolution - Nathalie Ysard
14:25-14:50 Rethinking the Nature of Interstellar Dust - Brandon Hensley
14:50-15:05 Using complex temperature and spectral index variations to analyze Planck polarization data - Vincent Guillet
15:05-15:20 Application of Bayesian Inference to disentangle CMB foregrounds - Tuhin Ghosh

16:00-16:15 Intermittency of dissipation in compressible MHD turbulence - Pierre Lesaffre
16:15-16:30 Inside a turbulent dissipation burst: its impact on a faint dust filament in the Polaris Flare - Pierre Hily-Blant
16:40-17:55 Round Table - Interstellar perspectives on Cosmic Origins from galaxies to exobiology
Louis d'Hendecourt, Ralf Klessen & Anaelle Maury - Chair: Patrick Henneblle replacing Edith Falgarone


Session VIII - Observatories and Instrumentation II - Chair: Silvia Masi
09:00-09:25 From Planck to LiteBIRD - Ludovic Montier
09:25-09:50 Primordial cosmology and fundamental physics with LiteBIRD - Masashi Hazumi
09:50-10:05 Simulations of systematic effects arising from cosmic rays for measurements of CMB B-modes with LiteBIRD - Samantha Stever
10:05-10:20 Challenges for new discoveries from cosmic microwave background experiments - Alessia Ritacco
10:20-10:35 BISOU: a balloon pathfinder for CMB spectral distortions measurements - Bruno Maffei

11:15-11:30 From EMILIE to HFI: an illustrated short history of low temperature detection in French astronomy - François Pajot
11:30-11:55 ESA Science program and Jean-Loup Puget*- Roger Bonnet Visio Conference / Text in French
11:55-12:20 The experimental path to Planck - Jean-Michel Lamarre Visio Conference

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